关于举办2022年中墨专家学术论坛的通知​SINO-MEXICO EXPERT COLLOQUIUM 2022 研究生通〔2022〕47号​

作者:研究生处 时间:2022-09-23 点击数:

各联合培养博士导师及学者To all Joint PhD Co-Supervisors and Scholars of DGUT:

2022年是中墨友好建交50周年,为深化中墨关系,加强我校与墨西哥国立自治大学之间的学术交流,双方预计于11月初举办中墨专家学术论坛。现将2022年中墨专家学术论坛报名的有关事项通知如下 The year of 2022 marks the 50th anniversary of Sino-Mexico diplomatic relations. In order to deepen Sino-Mexico relations, strengthen academic exchanges between the DGUT and the National Autonomous University of Mexico, the 2022 Colloquium for Sino-Mexico experts will be held in early November by the two universities. The relevant matters concerning the registration of the 2022 Sino-Mexico Expert Colloquium are hereby notified as follows:

一、主要内容 About

论坛以“中墨合作”为主题,着眼于环境工程、材料工程、化学工程、计算机科学与技术等工科研究领域,旨在为相关领域的专家及合作博士导师提供高层次学术交流平台,通过领域代表主题演讲和研讨等形式,就联合培养博士项目合作研究方向及当前难点技术和发展前沿进行学术交流和讨论。With the theme of "Sino-Mexico Cooperation", the colloquium focuses on Engineering research areas such as Environmental Engineering, Materials Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Computer Science and Technology etc. The aim of this colloquium is to provide a high-level academic exchange platform for experts and PhD co-supervisors in related areas. Among the activities in this colloquium are keynote speeches and workshops regarding of the joint research direction of the International Joint PhD Programme, as well as current difficult technologies and development frontiers.

二、报名对象 Participants

1. 国际联合培养博士合作导师International Joint PhD Co-supervisor;

2. 相关研究领域专家Expert in relevant areas;

3. 青年学者、博士后研究人员Young scholars and postdoctoral researchers。

三、报名方式 Registration

扫二维码填写中墨专家学术论坛报名表Scan the QR code to fill in the registration form;

研究生处Graduate Office


(联系人Contact:潘曈Jersey Pan,联系电话Tel:22861343)

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